Using The Menu Page

Click anywhere on the page to close this help window.

This page allows you to place lunch orders and, after ordering, to see what meals have been ordered.

Placing Orders

Look at the boxes at the top of the page. The box marked Family shows a summary of the month's orders. The other boxes have names of people in your family and take you to each person's ordering page.

When on an ordering page, click on the boxes of the meals you want to order. You will be allowed one choice per day. Clear a selected meal by clicking a second time on the meal.

You will notice that the bottom meal is not selectable. It shows the side items that come with any ordered meal.

Press SUBMIT when finished. The SUBMIT button is at the bottom of the page. You will need to press SUBMIT for each person ordering lunch.

Switching Months

When showing, the Back and Next links will move you to another month. Pay attention to Next when it appears: it indicates that a new month is available for placing lunch orders.

Printing the Page

It is convenient to print and post your calendar after all family members have placed their orders.

Click on the printer icon to hide unnecessary items of the page. Click anywhere on the page to restore the normal view.

Click anywhere to continue ordering.

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Family Summary

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
3 4 5 6 7
10 11 12 13 14
17 18 19 20 21
24 25 26 27 28